When you are using a Billboard you can add links to guide your customers to specific pages. This can be useful if you have specials going on or want to draw attention to a specific area on your site.
If you require guidance on creating a Legacy or Slippery Billboard we strongly suggest reviewing How To: Create A Legacy Billboard and How To: Create A Slippery Billboard before attempting to create links.
- Log in to your Art Storefronts Control Panel and click on the page you want to work on. In our example, we’ll be using the About.
- Once on the About page, make sure you are on the tab labeled Info.
- Find the section labeled Billboard and in the drop-down menu, click on you’re the Billboard you’d like to add links to.
- Next, click on the button labeled Edit.
- Click Edit on the image you would like to add a URL.
- On the next page, scroll down and find the section labeled URL and enter the URL you want this specific image within the Billboard to point to.
- Under Open URL In New Window you can choose False which will navigate the customer away from the current page to the new page. True will open the link in a new window.
- When you are satisfied with your changes, click Update.