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How to: Mark your Art Storefronts emails as safe in Outlook/Hotmail (Remove from Spam)


This document will show you how to mark Art Storefronts emails as safe while using an outlook or Hotmail email address.

  1. Login to your outlook account by entering your email address and password in your live accountmceclip0.pngmceclip1.png
  2. Click on the gear icon on the top-right hand side of the screen. This should open up your outlook mail settings.mceclip2.pngmceclip3.png
  3. In your settings, find and click on the Junk Mail optionmceclip7.png
  4. Here you’ll find different ways of blocking and adding emails to a Safe List. Please choose ‘Safe senders and domains’. This is where you’ll add the safe domain. Click on ‘Add.’mceclip5.png
  5. Since we use Sendgrid to send out emails, please input ‘’ as your safe domainmceclip9.pngmceclip10.png
  6. After this, please save your settings and you will no longer receive ASF Emails as junk in your Outlook account.
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