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How To: Create an Inquire Now button on unavailable artwork


If you have an original piece that is currently not available or requires specific information from a customer before ordering, you can remove the Add To Cart button and replace it with an Inquire Now button which is linked to a contact page that allows your customer to contact you directly.

  1. On your live site go to your ‘Contact’ page and copy the address from the address bar.
  2. On your site manager go to your Originals Warehouse and click on ‘edit’ on the image you want to change.
  3. Remove the price from the image (this will remove the Add to Cart button from the site)
  4. In the short description box type Inquire now
  5. Highlight the text and click the hyperlink button.
  6. Paste the address of the contact page from step 1 and press OK.
  7. When you go back to your live site you will see the Inquire Now button available

If you have an original piece that is currently not available or requires specific information from a customer before ordering, you can remove the Add To Cart button and replace it with an Inquire Now button which is linked to a contact page that allows your customer to contact you directly.


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