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How To: Login to your Art Storefronts Account


Logging in to your Art Storefronts website is literally the first step to making sure you can get to work and begin living your dream. If you do not log in to your website using this process, you will likely log in to the wrong place and it will cause issues with editing your site. Follow this article exactly as it is and do not deviate from it.


  1. Navigate to and in the upper right-hand corner, you should see a button labeled LOGIN. It has a black background with white lettering and you will need to click on it.


  2. After you click on the button, you will see that there is a section for you to enter your Username. DO NOT ENTER YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. YOU HAVE A USERNAME AND IT MUST BE USED HERE. This username was sent to you in your welcome e-mail but if you have forgotten it, you may email for assistance in retrieving it.


  3. In the Password section, enter in your password. REMEMBER THAT YOUR PASSWORD IS CASE SENSITIVE SO IF YOU CREATED IT WITH CAPITAL LETTERS, IT MUST BE ENTERED WITH CAPITAL LETTERS. If you can’t remember your password, you can reset it (see the related articles tab) or you can reach out to and our team will reset the password for you.
    1. If you require assistance resetting your password please note that your new password would need to contain one uppercase letter, and at least one lowercase letter, one number, and be at least 8 characters in length. 


  4. Below the Password box, there is a box labeled Remember Me. You may check this box if you would like the specified computer to remember your username and password moving forward. This will allow you to skip the process of always entering your username and password and log in by simply clicking the button labeled LOGIN.


  5. Once you have entered the Username and Password and you have made the decision as to whether to click the Remember Me box or not, click the button labeled LOGIN. It has a black background and white text.


  6. When you are logged in, you will see a green confirmation message stating You have logged in successfully. From here, you may begin editing your website.


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