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How To: Run a Test Transaction


Before you begin to think about taking your site live, you should absolutely run a test transaction. Running a test transaction on your website will tell you whether you have your payment gateway set up properly or not. It’s going to let you know if there’s an error, and as a business owner, you would much rather discover that than wait for a potential customer to discover it.


There are only a few things you’re going to need to complete this process and it should take you about five minutes if all goes well.

What do I do next?

Once your test transaction has been run and you’re sure it’s gone through, it’s time to move on and start thinking about your taxes. Depending on where you live and what your laws are, you may need to set up your tax methods. Art Storefronts can’t tell you what you should set up for your taxes, but we can show you how. To learn more, check out the article How To: Enable a Tax Method.

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