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Feature Overview: Conversion Doctor


The Conversion Doctor is a proprietary analytics dashboard that provides Art Sellers with a complete, linear view of their conversion funnel.


The main goal of this feature is to help our customers maximize their conversion rates and it’s a feature that does not exist anywhere else. Also, if you’re interested in your conversion rates, this feature may, over the years, impact your business more than any other feature offered on the Art Storefronts platform.


This analytics tool is going to allow you to analyze the quality of a traffic source like Google Organic. From there our feature will show you whether the customer then became a contact or whether they ever reached an actual shopping page on your site.



If you need to know how to access the Conversion Doctor within the platform, please see our article Everything You Need To Know About The Conversion Doctor.


This feature is only offered on one plan now, but it can be added a la carte. If you are interested in purchasing this feature, please e-mail

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