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How To: Update Your Credit Card For ASF Payments


If you need to replace the credit card listed on your Art Storefronts account, you can go in and change it. This applies to all customers, from Artists to Print Studios.


    1. Log in to your Art Storefronts Control Panel and in the Jump To Menu, select the Billing.

    2. Click on the tab labeled Credit Cards.

    3. Click Add Credit Card.
      Please Note: If you have more than one card on file, you will want to make sure the card you want to use as your primary is set to the Default Card.

    4. Enter the Full Name on Card.

    5. Enter the Card Number.

    6. Enter the CVV.

    7. Enter the Expiration Date.

    8. Enter the Billing Address Zip Code.

    9. Click Add & Verify Credit Card and your new card will be added to your account.

  1. Once the new card is active on the page, last step is to make it a "Default" card used for payments.
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