If you need to replace the credit card listed on your Art Storefronts account, you can go in and change it. This applies to all customers, from Artists to Print Studios.
- Log in to your Art Storefronts Control Panel and in the Jump To Menu, select the Billing.
- Click on the tab labeled Credit Cards.
- Click Add Credit Card.
Please Note: If you have more than one card on file, you will want to make sure the card you want to use as your primary is set to the Default Card. - Enter the Full Name on Card.
- Enter the Card Number.
- Enter the CVV.
- Enter the Expiration Date.
- Enter the Billing Address Zip Code.
- Click Add & Verify Credit Card and your new card will be added to your account.
- Once the new card is active on the page, last step is to make it a "Default" card used for payments.