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How To: Use The Source Code Section in the Standard Editor


If you are a more advanced user, you can use the Source Text in the Standard Editor. This allows you to use HTML to format your text. Any user on the Art Storefronts platform can use this feature.

Before you begin working in the Source Code, please know that Technical Support will not provide any assistance with this section. If it does not work, they will request its removal. Also, even if you change a text colour here, your theme may overwrite it.

Please Note: If you have used your Theme Editor or Custom CSS that makes changes to text, text alignment, text colour or anything else those changes will always overwrite the changes made in the Standard Editor.

  1. Log in to your Art Storefronts Site Manager and click on the page where you want to work in the Standard Editor. For our purposes we will be using the editor on the page labeled Shop Art.


  2. Click on the button labeled Source.

  3. Once you have clicked that button you may begin writing your code in HTML in the box.

  4. When you are done, click on the Source button again and review your text.

  5. When you are satisfied with your changes, press Save.

  6. Click on Preview Live Site.

  7. Review the text on your Live Site in order to make sure everything is showing up properly. 

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