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How To: Download Individual Files from Customer Orders


Here you have access to every ordered image. This area is helpful if a zip file is corrupted or does not populate. All you have to do is download the image and continue with production. If an image was cropped this section will provide the cropped image and the original image.


Please Note: When you download images from orders they will always download as a JPG. It doesn't matter if a customer went through an upload store or an art print store and chose a PDF or TIFF file, it will always download as a JPG.


  1. Log in to your Art Storefronts Control Panel and in the Jump To Menu select the option labeled Orders.


  2. Click on the Order.


  3. Once in the order you can click on the Printer Icon to download the Order PDF.


  4. To download the Packing Slip, click on the PS.


  5. To download the Image click on the Cloud Icon.

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