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How To: Delete a Blog Post


You may find that you’ve created a Blog Post that you no longer wish to share or you don’t think it fits your aesthetic. Because of this you might need to delete a blog post from your website. Art Storefronts provides you with a quick and easy way to do this.


If you want to learn how to delete a Blog Post, please follow the directions below.


  1. Log in to your Art Storefronts Control Panel and click on the Blog page that has the post on it that you would like to delete.


  2. Click on the tab labeled Posts.


  3. In your list of Blog Posts, find the post you want to delete and click on the blue link labeled Delete.


  4. A box will pop up asking if you are sure you want to delete the blog post and you will want to click OK.


  5. After that, you will receive a confirmation message stating the post was deleted.

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